Dr. Roberta Berard

Dr. Roberta Berard  dr_roberta-berard_160x180.jpg

Associate Professor
P: 519-685-8500 x 58266
E-mail:  Roberta.Berard@lhsc.on.ca 

Administrative Assistant: Deb Fidler
P: 519-685-8500 x 58266
E-mail: deb.fidler@lhsc.on.ca


Research Cluster Membership

Research Interests

  • Pediatric arthritis
  • Uveitis
  • Inflammatory bowel disease related arthritis
  • Models of care
  • Disparities in care

Short Bio

Roberta Berard is an Associate Professor of Paediatrics at Western University and the division director of Paediatric Rheumatology at the Children’s Hospital, London Health Sciences Centre in London, Ontario, Canada. She holds a Master of Science in Clinical Epidemiology and Health Research and is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians. She has extensive experience in  clinical  care of patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis and uveitis as well as research expertise in longitudinal data analysis and cohort studies.